ACTION Testimonies
Divine Helpers Who Heal
March 2016
In the past 3 months of prayer and fasting, God revealed himself in many ways and also proven himself in many ways. Bishop had declared that his prayer and our prayer should be to ask for God to connect us to our divine helpers, and that happened to me. I started working in a new position in October 2015 and had been having a challenging time with my boss. I started praying to God to reveal my purpose in my new position. And what God has revealed to me that I need to keep praying for him & his family. When I started doing that, our relationship started changing. One day as he and I were talking, he asked me what my career goals were and I got to share with him what I really want to do. After speaking with him, he reached out to the highest ranking general in the firm who commands the specific profession in healthcare that I want to follow. Through him reaching out to this general, I have been connected to different doctors, some who have provided me with the information pertaining to the exam I need to take. I have also received the opportunity to shadow one of the local clinics during my regular work hours. My boss also has been very willing to use his open door policy with me which was difficult before. In one of our sessions last week, he said to me that he was “proud of my career goals and that his goal is to make sure that I take the exam that I need to take so I am working in the profession that I want.”
Thank you to Bishop and Pastor Seth and all the Pastors for constant prayers and for fighting this fight of faith with us. I thank God for his faithfulness and for watching over his promises and word over my life. As this journey continues. I am faithful that everything in my life is coming into alignment with God’s purpose.